Chiang Mai, previously known as the Kingdom of Lanna, is where Karen Hill tribe originated. Chiang Mai is unlike any other city in Thailand, and has recently become a hotspot for digital nomads thanks to its relaxing vibes and countless opportunities. It seems of all the major cities in Thailand, Chiang Mai has found a way to balance out the local development and growth whilst still maintaining its environmentally friendly and laid back vibe.
For those visiting Chiang Mai, there are plenty of things to do that don’t require a huge budget and could potentially change your perspective on life.
Looking for an escape?
Go to Pai, located approximately 145 km from Chiang Mai, a town on the mountainous outskirts populated by spiritual expats and friendly local faces.
Want to jump off a canyon? Visit the Grand Canyon water park. A place that was privately owned, was discovered by millennials who used to, technically, trespass and go swimming there. Seeing the opportunity and demand for such a place, the owner finally decided to go with the current and turned it into an official water park for the enjoyment of everyone.
Want to meditate your mind back to sanity? Chiang Mai has multiple highly credited temples that offer very cheap meditation retreats, offering the same treatment and pricing to both locals and tourists.
Souvenirs for family and friends? The weekend walking street has it all, whether it’s clothing, accessories, candles, handicrafts, you’re sure to find treasury gifts for your loved ones here. Open every weekend, starting at Thapae Gate.
It’s no wonder Chiang Mai has become a popular escape or even a permanent retreat for some. The city’s glow is the perfect combination of opportunity and spiritual balance. If you’re visiting Thailand, be sure to experience the ambience of the Lanna Kingdom of Thailand: Chiang Mai.